Rendering Software And What It Can Do For Your Architectural Projects
As an architect, you realize that not everyone can get inside your head and see what you see when you look at blueprints and building plans. You already have your clients' projects fully realized in your mind's eye, but your clients are at a loss. You could draw them 2D images, but with all of the incredible technology available to you, why not opt for something better? With rendering software like V-Ray Revit, you could show your clients so much more than a 2D drawing. Take a look at all of the options this kind of software provides, and how it can really help you show your clients everything they want to see before it is ever built.
A Very Realistic Perspective Rendering
A photo-quality image of a building that does not, as of yet, exist? That is a wow factor for a lot of clients when they see a fully flushed out, photo-realistic image of the building you have designed for them. Every detail, right on down to leaves on trees in the landscape and the texture on the building with shadowing and light, gives the clients a chance to see what you see when you close your eyes and imagine your design.
More Views
Better yet, why give the clients just one view? What if your clients could get a full rotational view of the building in its entirety with these virtual reality images? They could look at it from the top, back, front, side, other side, and any other view they want as though the building were right in front of them and they could fly around it like birds. These images are so real that the clients might swear that they could reach out and touch them. Give them the images on a portable photo or video storage device, and they can view their non-existent building in all its glory for months to come until the building is a reality.
What It Will Look Like at Other Times
People notice how buildings look at night, late in the day, when it rains, when there is glaring sun outside, etc.. This can also affect how a client chooses design features for the building, so it is just as important to show them how their building will look at all of these other times and in other conditions. It also helps when the client wants to change a feature, but does not know how good or bad it will look until he/she sees it rendered in these virtual images.